Being Social can be pretty time consuming. If you are trying to keep up with all of the platforms it can actually become quite overwhelming.

The bigger your network becomes and the more presence you have online the more directions you will find yourself being pulled. Opportunities appear to be everywhere, but many are nothing more than time wasters being disguised as the next “Get Rich Quick Scheme.” Letting ourselves be pulled in all of these directions is a key contributor to poor time management and also less than ideal results. While this may seem obvious, falling into these traps is surprisingly easy to do. Some people are able to recover and get back on course, but I also know many people who have allowed all the distractions to lead to some type of Social Media Burnout.

I suggest that the problem is too much stimulation and not enough goal setting. If you want success then you must set goals. You have to ask yourselves questions about why are you here, and what are you trying to accomplish. Some questions to get started with are as follows.

  • Are you here to promote yourself and your ideas?
  • Are you here to promote your business and its value proposition?
  • What are the results you hope to see in the next 30,60,90 days?
  • How about over the next one to two years?
  • Does your online presence match your offline presence?
  • How do you define “Online Success?”

Okay, so after answering these questions do you feel like you have your “Social House” in order? Are you focused, with a plan, and ready for success? or… Are you drowning in the noise?
If you are running to the plan then congratulations, but if you are feeling the latter then I propose you re-frame your thinking and take note of this…

To be successful in life you must act with purpose.

Social Media is no different. While attempting to account for every minute of every day is unrealistic; not having a plan is problematic and is a key ingredient in the recipe for failure.
In order to be successful in balancing your time and your results you have to accept your role as the planner. Then you must write the plan, and live the plan (Covey – 7 Habits)!

So what are your Social Media goals? More importantly, how are you getting them done?