Sometimes to lead, you have to self-actualize; spend time reflecting on oneself, ones actions, and ones purpose. If you don’t, you risk losing sight of why you lead which is a risk no leader should be willing to take.
This weeks leadership post is in honor of Self-Awareness. As you aspire to inspire your teams with greatness may you take a moment to commit yourself to the following…


  • Who doesn’t blame another before asking what could I have done differently

  • Who gives empathy always, and sympathy when appropriate

  • Who doesn’t define success through the eyes of another

  • Who is humbled by accomplishment and understands that leaders give credit far more often than they take it

  • Who doesn’t accept the “Status Quo” – just because it has been done one way for a long time doesn’t mean it is the best way

  • Who has the courage to ask – whatever the question may be

  • Who chooses to embrace failure and then allow it to make you better

  • Who leaves a mark on everyone you connect with – a catalyst for positive change

  • Who seeks to make a difference each and every day you walk this earth

  • Who doesn’t give up – Choose to persevere

  • who always walks the talk

  • who encourages honesty, inspires passion, and lives with integrity

Are you the one? If so, I thank you for your positive contribution. If not, I challenge you to be…the world needs you!
I’d like to thank Tristan Bishop (@KnowledgeBishop) for introducing me to the hashtag #BeTheOne on Twitter. It was this hashtag that has inspired me to write, share, and hopefully inspire with this post.