Visual collaboration is often confused with video conferencing. In reality, each offer significant differences. Video conferencing is simply the ability to interact with another person or group in a specific set location. Visual collaboration is all about leveraging technology to enable engaging collaboration from different devices in multiple locations. Video conferencing can be part of visual collaboration, but the two are not interchangeable. Many companies have even installed visual collaboration rooms or huddle rooms to help employees get work done. There are a number of benefits having both huddle and visual collaboration rooms as well as leveraging visual collaboration in general. First and foremost, these tools improve productivity. Here’s how:

  1. Save time by reducing travel and in-person meetings. With visual collaboration rooms, you no longer need to travel as often. Since you can meet in real time from any location, you save both time and money. That means no more booking flights, hotels, rental cars or incurring other travel related expenses which can translate to thousands of dollars in savings for your organization. In addition to saving money, visual collaboration also saves countless work hours your employees would otherwise lose in travel time. Furthermore, because you can collaborate at a moment’s notice, you don’t waste time waiting to meet to address issues when problems occur.
  2. Ease of project managementManaging projects, workflows and business processesis much easier using visual collaboration. It allows companies to digitize older processes and leverage new ways of doing things. Visual collaboration also offers new opportunities to optimize project management. This increases productivity and improves the quality of work. This also helps standardized workflow among groups. This means team members can better manage business processes and projects as well as implement improvements faster as necessary.
  3. Everything is stored in one place. Another benefit to visual collaboration, especially in the case of huddle rooms, is having everything located in one place. These huddle rooms are much more than just a big screen TV and nice sound system. Huddle rooms offer everything you need to collaborate and make it easy for all parties to access these tools. Not only can you collaborate via video conferencing on a large screen, you can also easily share important data, charts and other audio-visual materials during your meeting. This allows you to work collaboratively, share ideas and data and carry out vital business operations no matter where you are located.
  4. Instant communication, video communication and messaging. Visual collaboration including video communication and instant messaging means you can tackle issues as they arise in real time and access necessary digital tools and information to help make the most of your time. In many cases, this means solving problems in minutes or hours instead of days or weeks. This can help your employees and your company be productive and adds value to your bottom line.
  5. Real-time teamwork. The value of teamwork can’t be overstated and is vital to the success of any organization or enterprise. The problem with legacy collaboration tools is the lack of real-time teamwork capabilities. However, with so many diverse technologies and devices available to businesses, including cloud infrastructures, real-time collaboration is now a reality. Using visual collaboration tools means you can address issues, answer questions, share ideas and data when and where it’s needed. Therefore, all stakeholders can access the same information simultaneously and be more involved and productive.

Use Visual Collaboration to Improve Your Productivity

In this fast-paced business world, visual collaboration is vital to ensure companies remain productive and successful. Visual collaboration offers many benefits including time efficiencies and more effective project management.  It also means everything is stored in one place and communication is instant whenever or wherever you need it. Your employees and colleagues can collaborate in real-time offering the opportunity for teamwork at all times.

Photo Credit: hpenvironment Flickr via Compfight cc

This article was first published on New Era Technology.