Businesses who want to succeed this year, need to understand how to use social media to engage with their customers and clients.

The problem is when they connect on social media, they go straight for the sale instead of building a quality relationship with their customers/clients.

When they go straight for the sale, they are sending the message to the prospective customers that they do not matter and they are just a number.

That approach will lead to a negative hit on their bottom line.

If you are going out on a first date, would you ask the person to marry you on the spot?

Of course not.

You might think that the person is crazy if they do ask the other to marry them on the first date.

That is exactly how many businesses operate.

They make a connection on social media with a potential customer and right out of the bat, they aim to sell them something.

And to add on to this, the job seeker act in the same manner as the employer because they are applying to any job that is open.

It is understandable that the person is trying to make it in this day and age after the Great Recession.

However, when the job seeker sends their application to whatever job is open, they are sending a message that they are desperate and it will not bode well for them.

According to this Quintessential Careers’ article “15 Myths and Misconception about Job-Hunting by Dr. Randall Hansen, he mentioned that people should not believed in Myth No.6, “As Long as You’re Sending out Cover Letters and Resumes, You’ll Get Interview,” because they have to be pro-active and not be passive.

When the job seeker goes to networking events and build quality relationships with a person who is in position to hire them, they have a much better chance at getting their dream job.

According to a Fox article by Emily Driscoll, 80% of the “great jobs” are attained through networking.

Even if they don’t hire you, the person will know someone who can use your skills for their company.

That is what happened to Dayne Shuda.

A friend of his referred him to a business, who were looking for a blogger.

Though Mr. Shuda did not have much blogging experience, he said yes to the opportunity.

From there, he was able to gain clients which led him to launch the website.

If you only go into a networking event, conference or calling into a podcast with the mentality of ‘What This Person Can Do For Me To Get A Job Or Connect You To Their Network,’ you will leave a bad impression with them.

I had the honored of interviewing Tamara McCleary, who is regarded as the queen of social relationships* on my podcast, “What’s The Word?”

As I allowed for anyone to ask her a question about building authentic relationships on social media, a person, which I will call Kwon, dialed into the show.

Instead of respecting Mrs. McCleary’s time and asking a question, he went on his soliloquy on relationships and promoted his new book.

He tried to take advantage of the opportunity to share his thoughts and promote himself.

Afterward, he sent me a message via Twitter saying that he wanted to be a guest on the show and share about his philosophy on relationships.

Kwon showed that he was only interested in promoting his book and not sharing valuable information that would enrich other people’s lives.

He also displayed a lack of respect for Mrs. McCleary and in the process, made a bad first impression.

If he had interact with potential customers in the same way as organizations like the Houston Texans, who are constantly interacting with their fan base via the Texans Cheerleaders, then he would have earned the trust of the audience.

In turn, the audience would put their reputation on the line because they believe in his work.

In closing, if you want to succeed in this day and age, build quality relationships and be sociable.

If not, then you will create a bad reputation for your brand and business because of your self interest in just selling and not creating lasting relationships with your audience.

Do you believe that companies are building trust with their potential customers on social media? You can reply below.

*Term was coined by Rachel Miller, co-host of the Twitter Chat, #sbizhour.

First appeared in Vallano Media