One of the greatest misnomers that I hear from business owner after business owner is the belief that sales fix everything.

With an unwavering conviction they will tell you how they just need to bring in more business and that will take care of everything.

Before I shatter their hopes, I want to acknowledge a certain realism in the sentiment that sales fixes everything.


“Sales Fixes Many Things.”

Caveat alert. See how I did that. I changed the words and replaced “Everything” with “Many things?”

Right Resources – Sales, regardless of volume are not going to fix your business if your business lacks the resources to fulfill them. The purchase of supplies, hiring of personnel or expansion of facilities can all be a requirement to deliver sales. This is where it is so important to line up scalable financial resources ahead of accepting sales that will require substantial expansion of operations.

Right Fit – While we all aspire to create great customer experiences, we need to understand what the customer looks like. More specifically, are they the type of customer whom we can deliver a great experience to? Too often the visions of grandeur that coincide with the large RFP equate to taking on a customer that you can’t possibly deliver for. Sometimes you wouldn’t want to.

Ever heard the expression some of the best business deals you will ever do, are the ones that you don’t?

If you haven’t, think about.

And if you are insistent on taking on every sales opportunity that comes your way; make absolutely certain that you have the resources that it takes to not only deliver, but to deliver with a big shiny bow of customer satisfaction.

In this short video we further explore and discuss why sales alone will not fix everything.