Information Abundance

Ladies and gentleman, can it be deemed official that we have hit the point of information overload?

Ok, this isn’t really something new, in fact we have been dealing with it for some time now.

There is so much media coming our way at any given moment that it is becoming increasingly difficult to focus. Making even the most disciplined person twitch just ever so slightly as their alerts sound creating an unharmonious orchestra of distraction.

Sometimes I picture myself as the little space ship in the middle of the old “Asteroids” arcade game.

I’m being barraged by tiny missile’s of information and my responsibility is to defend, deflect and defer accordingly all while maintaining the integrity of the ship.

Of course there are tips and tricks to better manage information overload and this has been covered many times before.

There is plenty of information out there on prioritizing, time management, and how to put first things first.

Trust me when I say, I’m a believer.

Simplifying the Signal

But what about making a contribution back to the world?

Here is food for thought…

How can we help others better manage their time while helping ourselves and being a little bit more productive?

Seems like a big question, but really there is a simple approach that we can all get behind.

Get. To. The. Point.

Perfect example. I spent he first 150 words “Authoring” the content to create a story, use a (somewhat) catchy introduction and use some bizarre video game metaphor to say what I need to say. which was really just the four simple words above.

The Message: Signal vs. Noise

This isn’t to say that context isn’t required to enhance dialogue, it is just to say that we can often get more done if we spend more time on point and less time filling the page with noise.

The difference between the two is can you pick out the part of the message that really needs to be communicated versus the information that is merely filler?

Being able to get to the point more quickly creates efficiency across every medium that you attempt to communicate.

Understanding Timing in Brevity

One of the leading maxims I live by is “There are times for briefings and times for discussion.”

Understand the difference?

Part of leadership, business and humanity is knowing when a conversation is required.

In our emails, conference calls and marketing efforts we often fill space. Whether with extra content in our email, extra small talk on our calls or extra words and stimuli in our marketing.

For each case can ask yourself, what is required vs. where am I filling white space?

Brevity isn’t for always and isn’t for everyone though. Knowing when the additional backstory is required is the art form that separates the most successful communicators from the rest.

Playing Your Part

Here is what you can do.

Think about the message, each and every time you communicate.

Ask yourself, Is my point clear, and am I communicating with purpose?

If you can say yes, then whether 4 words or 4 thousand, you have done your part in simplifying the noise.

In case you are counting, it took me 549 words to get this message across…

Hopefully you feel it was time well spent.